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Elementary Language Arts - Essay Writing

Essay Writing

Narrative | Expository | Persuasive

links verified 10-8-10

  1. Expository Essays:
    1. Expository Prompts - from Jefferson County Schools
    2. Expository Writing - Eight different examples of expository organizational patterns
    3. A Lesson in Expository Writing -The Personal Touch: - This lesson uses examples of such communication as a springboard for practice in expository writing.
    4. The Expository Essay - Examples of expository essays
    5. Expository Writing Tips! - The information was taken from "Blowing Away the State Writing Assessment Test" by Jane Bell Kiester available through Maupin House Publishing.
    6. Expository Writing Plan - Use this information to help create your essays.
    7. Expository Writing Prompts used in past Writing Assessments in Tennessee - Grade 8
    8. Expository Writing Prompts - over 240 different writing prompts for elementary and middle school students.
    9. Expository Writing Resources - from Lee's Summit School District
    10. Expository Writing Prompts - 11 writing prompts [this document is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
    11. Expository Essays - Some things to consider when writing expository essays.
    12. Expository Writing Rubric - A Microsoft Word document to be downloaded
    13. Expository Writing Rubric - very detailed An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
    14. A resource for the teacher to use in planning their lessonsFood for Thought - an expository writing lesson plan for eighth grade [this document is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.] A lesson plan can be found at this site
    15. Writing a "How-to" Explanation - Student model as an example An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
    16. Compare and Contrast Rubric - detailed
    17. Self Evaluation Writing Rubric - Check yourself!
    18. Writing Paragraphs - Precise instructions with definitions of each part.


Narrative Essays :

  1. Narrative Essay - Article and help on writing narrative essay.
  2. Narrative Writing Prompts used in past Writing Assessments in Tennessee - Grade 5
  3. Narrative Writing Resources - from Lee's Summit School District
  4. Step by step guide - Guide on writing an essay.
  5. Template for writing a narrative - Scaffolding guide for students This is an Adobe Acrobat document
  6. Multiple Paragraph Essay - pointers on writing an essay [this document is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
  7. Narrative Essay - article on how to write a narrative essay
  8. Narrative essay prompts - ten prompts
  9. Ten Narrative Writing Prompts - targeted mainly at high school teachers, but the questions can be modified
  10. Ten Prewriting Exercises for Personal Narratives
  11. Narrative Writing Prompts - Elementary School [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.]
  12. Student Writing Tools Handbook - [25 pages] Transitions, rubrics, grammar, citations, and more [This expired page is from the Internet Archive known as the Wayback Machine.] An Adobe Acrobat document in .pdf format
  13. Self Evaluation Writing Rubric - Check yourself!
  14. Writing Paragraphs - Precise instructions with definitions of each part.


Persuasive writing

  1. Can you Convince me? - Lesson plan
  2. Graphic Organizer - scaffolding aid for your students as they plan their essay
  3. How are They Selling It? - students read three advertisements and evaluate the type of persuasive writing being employed This site is interactive and allows students to play a game or input or collect data
  4. Persuasive Writing Prompts used in past Writing Assessments in Tennessee - Grade 11
  5. Persuasive Writing Prompts from a home schooling site
  6. Scholastic's Writing Workshop - You already spend a lot of time trying to persuade your parents or teachers to allow you to watch more TV or do less homework. Now you can use those same skills to write a persuasive essay!
  7. Writing to Persuade - Persuasion means making someone with a different point of view from your own change their mind to your way of thinking.
  8. Writing to Persuade Rubric - Perhaps your students can understand writing to persuade better by seeing this rubric.
  9. Argument & Persuasive Writing Lesson plans and teaching resources - many lesson resources
  10. Battle Bars: The Edible Argument - a lesson plan designed to teach persuasive writing using Snickers and Kit-Kat bars A lesson plan can be found at this site
  11. Can You Convince Me? - basic concepts of lobbying for something that is important to them (or that they want) and making persuasive arguments. Lesson plan A lesson plan can be found at this site
  12. Graphic Organizer - scaffolding aid for your students as they plan their essay This link includes something for the teacher to print
  13. The Power of Persuasion - a WebQuest that challenges your students to investigate persuasive writing and develop critical reading skills
  14. The Power of Persuasive Writing - another WebQuest on the topic
  15. Practice with Argument - a lab activity to identify reasons and write an argument paragraph This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  16. Practice with Argument - another lab activity to identify reasons and write an argument paragraph This site includes questions for your students to check their understanding
  17. Sample assignment - Invent an X-ray satellite, name it, draw a picture of it. Write a one- to two-page persuasion letter addressed to your Congressperson or essay for your local newspaper in order to obtain funding for your X-ray astronomy mission. A lesson plan can be found at this site
  18. Study Guides and Strategies - persuasive writing
  19. Ten Persuasive Prompts: Persuasive-Descriptive
  20. Self Evaluation Writing Rubric - Check yourself!
  21. Writing Paragraphs - Precise instructions with definitions of each part.



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